This unit will last approximately 3 weeks.
In this unit, students will begin an exploration into the earliest human civilization. During this time, students will focus their attention on the core concepts of: geography, government, economics, history, and society as it relates to ancient Mesopotamia. Through hands-on learning and various projects and simulations, students will internalize and document how the developments and achievements of the Mesopotamians not only set the stage for the growth of later civilizations, but how it continues to impact our lives today.
- Mesopotamia Portfolio Checklist
- Mesopotamia Graphic Organizer
- Mesopotamia Graphic Organizer Answer Key
- General Introduction to Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamia K-W-L
- Ancient Civilizations for Children "Ancient Mesopotamia" Video Questions
- Ancient Civiliziations for Children "Ancient Mesopotamia" Vocabulary
- Geography of Mesopotamia
- Mapping Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent
- Mesopotamian Government
- Hammurabi Part 1
- Hammurabi Part 2
- Hammurabi's Code Today
- Daily Life in Mesopotamia
- Art and Culture
- Trade, Economy, and Artisans
- What Do I Know About Religion
- Annual Rainfall in Mesopotamia Chart
- New Archaeological Find at Ur
- Religion in Mesopotamia
- Cuneiform Writing
- Achievements and Inventions
- Achievements and Inventions Graphic Organizer
- Achievements and Inventions Graphic Organizer Answer Key
Lesson Plans for 11-5-12 to 11-9-12
- Newspaper of the Gods Project
- Newspaper of the Gods Rough Draft Worksheet
- Newspaper of the Gods (Picture Link)
- Newspaper of the Gods (Map of City-States)
Mesopotamia Extra Credit